Teach you the specific process of applying for a signed loan


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No matter what kind of loan we apply for, we need to form a good relationship with the borrower to maintain our future progress. After all, we are not talking with robots, but directly with people. So how can we keep our image good and maximize our interests? Next, I will teach you a few ways, maybe you can use it.

First of all, you need to know what a signed loan is

A signed loan literally means that you only need to sign the loan contract without any other operation, such as no need for you to mortgage the assets, let alone to find a guarantor to guarantee. This is very simple in the process, but there are advantages and disadvantages. The disadvantage of a signed loan is that it has no collateral, so it is extremely risky for the borrower, So few people are willing to lend to you, but if you have a good relationship with the borrower, it is another time to say nothing. If you want to know the specific operation of the signed loan, I would suggest you take it with you to prove your income and expenditure, and bring your tax form, and then go to a professional institution or bank to consult about the relevant issues of the loan.

What we need to know is

Because there is no collateral, generally speaking, the interest rate of this kind of loan is relatively high, and the repayment period is relatively short, and that is why you need to gain the trust of the borrower more, let him believe that you have the ability to repay, and make a certain evaluation of your character. If the lender thinks that the transaction is not cost-effective, he will not continue to cooperate with you.

Show sufficient evidence

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From the previous, we have learned that any step we take is to make the borrower believe that we have the ability to repay, so how can we strengthen the credibility? Of course, it is to show more evidence that is conducive to your repayment. For example, you can provide your asset certificate, such as your own property, stocks, bond funds, etc., or you can show the borrower some previous mortgage records, Prove to him that your previous credit is good.

Another example is that in your work, you often perform well, often get bonus for extra performance, and then are often rated as excellent employees or advanced individuals. You can tell the borrower about these awards or the specific amount of bonus, so that he knows that you are an honest, trustworthy, aggressive, and hard working person.

The last and most important point is

If you have started to impress the borrower through the above channels, and then the borrower has started to ask you about the purpose of the loan, you need to plan the specific details of the loan you will use in advance. It is better to detail the details, and you can make a form that clearly shows what you will do with the loan, what is used to solve your problems, or can add value to your assets, And the arrangement that shows that you will plan to repay within the specified period, such as how you will repay this amount, and how to pay the loan interest rate, etc. In short, if you have done the last step, please wait patiently for the opportunity.

Learn About Co-Signing a Loan