How to focus on asset management in small financial events?


When you are 80 years old, you can get more than 1.3 million yuan from a fixed deposit. Although you can only save more than 300000 yuan in total, you can get more than 1.3 million yuan from a fixed deposit. But don't forget the role of compound interest. In fact, the return rate is only 3% based on the 50 year investment period. You can see from the side that the benefits of investment may be very inefficient under certain modes. The very low rate of return on income brought by the long period of investment and operation means that the investment is unreliable or fails.

This is at the expense of liquidity, because if you want to withdraw insurance in advance, the yield will not be that much. People who know a little about investment methods know that it is better to buy bond funds than to buy them.

In a word, for our ordinary middle class, it is OK to buy security insurance. The rich can configure some savings insurance because they have bought all the products they can buy. Buying some savings insurance can be used as a long-term stable investment. I have elaborated and explained the basic concepts and framework of investment or fund management systems in a considerable range. I can introduce some asset management systems and method models that are difficult to subvert.

Profitable assets

Money funds and insurance can be purchased directly, and there is no investment skill.

But other investment products are more complex in nature, so novices should learn more when buying, and unfamiliar products should not be touched.

I don't like the recommendation of a pile of bibliographic lists, because there are not many books, but they are excellent. Especially for financial beginners who just step in the huge project with little knowledge about the core of fund management, the key is to start first and then expand slowly. Too many introductory books lose their focus.

Here's a suggestion for beginners:

1) Shares

There are two ways to invest in stocks. You can either buy a stock or buy a fund.

If you want to make money by buying individual stocks, there are three magic weapons: selecting individual stocks, selecting sectors, and selecting bands.

Sometimes, although you see a certain stock right, you can't sell it when it's not in the right time and you can't make money.

How to choose it? In fact, there are some reasons that affect the rise and fall of stock prices: global macro factors, sector factors (industry factors) and individual stock factors. You need to have a lot of basic knowledge, so newcomers should be careful when entering the market.

For newcomers, it is better to buy funds.

In addition to the money market funds mentioned above

Stock funds (mainly invest in stocks. According to regulations, 80% or more of the stock base should be invested in stocks)

Bond fund (mainly investing in bonds, more than 80% of the funds should be invested in bonds)

Mixed fund (that is, the mix of multiple investment products, sometimes called macro rotation, and fund managers will dynamically adjust the allocation proportion according to the cyclical fluctuations of the macro-economy. For example, when the economy is rising, the proportion of stocks invested is more).

There are so many things that should be considered for a beginner, so if you are desperate for a leg-up in the field of money arrangement, you should be careful about all the things you have encountered. In general, managing your huge capital or property form as a novice is a special challenge to financial management. You need to adjust your financial mentality to use the investment skills suitable for your assets and your field to give full play to your asset growth potential. You may not be able to think of suggestions that are not suitable for your investment strategy. In addition, if you have certain attainments or special achievements in the economic field, you can expand your management model according to the strategic ideas you used in the initial asset management. You should not make the investment suggestions I have put forward fixed, but should flexibly apply every special point of them to develop your investment idea from the details. Whether you are a novice asset manager or an experienced financial practitioner, you should focus on every detail according to the grasp of details and the understanding of detailed investment framework. Therefore, you can analyze the asset management system based on small-scale financial cluster events, which is conducive to the ultimate success. As a mature fund manager, the implementation of the above concepts is a key strategic governance behavior.